Living The Holiday Spirit!

Christmas is one great time of the year when everyone gets a few days off. How to spend these holidays and what plans to make and checklists that need to be ticked off may sometimes seem overwhelming.

Every year people look forward to this much needed break, whether it’s to spend time with family, travel a destination or just chill during this time just by yourself. Plans are usually made in advance for ones who get seldom other opportunities to do what they want to do, but for some, these are like any other days that they may get to take care of things that have been put off the entire year.

Though it is difficult to deny that the festivities do rub a positive vibe on even the least bothered or interested in this yearly tradition. However you always encounter an over enthusiastic “planner” or the ever positive and cheerful soul in our whereabouts.

For people who savor more traditions, Christmas is the best time for family reunions and to reach out and reconnect with family and friends that have drifted apart due to understandably busy lives in general. After all it’s a festival of love, happiness, laughter and lights.

a festival of love, happiness, laughter and lights - JadeMoghul

There are families who take pride in following memorable and much cherished traditions followed for many, many years, while others believe in setting up new and fun ways to make the coming years that everyone looks forward to. These traditions may involve having family members to decorate their own Christmas ornaments, bake Christmas goodies, go on a fun trip to get a Christmas tree and set it up together.

a fun trip to get a Christmas tree and set it up together - JadeMoghul

Having a fun neighbour Christmas decorating competition. Setting out cookies and milk for Santa and of course the exciting advent calendar with all the fun tiny surprises and treats. Although it may be time to make up new activities that the whole family can enjoy together. You can collaborate with equally fun loving neighbours to set up a “Christmas Bazaar” to sample treats and grab handmade crafts as last minute gifts for colleagues and friends.

sample treats and grab handmade crafts as last minute gifts for colleagues and friends

The money and left over treats and crafts can be donated to a local hospital, church or even shelter homes.


treats and crafts can be donated to a local hospital, church or even shelter homes 

This year you can set up a new tradition by being an example to your kids and involving them in all activities that show the true spirit of the holidays. Your entire family can volunteer at soup kitchens, or volunteer for fun wrapping of gifts and toys to be donated to kids.


 volunteer for fun wrapping of gifts and toys to be donated to kids - JadeMoghul

We all can do with reminders of how fortunate we are and can share our gift of giving by buying just a couple of things for ourselves and making a donation to various organizations working selflessly and tirelessly all around the world. A good idea would be to have kids save some amount and then donate it to a charity that displays their name on the donated item. It could be a water fountain at a school in Africa or a bench in a park with their names. It would encourage them to be more generous especially when they see the smiles that they have brought to the faces of the less fortunate. Ask friends and family and grandparents to make a donation on behalf of the kids instead of getting them gifts this year.

These traditions will awake the true spirit of the holidays that we all so want to enjoy.

And of course, the Christmas dinner has to be as memorable as the event itself. But again, keeping up with the true essence of this special time of the year, try involving the kids by having them prepare a few side dishes or putting together hor d'oeuvres or simple yet mouth watering desserts. No shame in taking help   from store bought sauces, puddings, cookies and cakes as long as everyone has a good time and in the end get to enjoy the fruits of their labor. A family favorite recipe book can be a great keepsake for all and new recipes can be added every year for all to enjoy. The messy kitchen can be cleaned up in no time when a family favorite holiday album is played along.


But then there are few of us who will be spending these holidays by ourselves. As we watch our friends making plans and driving or flying to their families, we wonder and sometimes look forward to some time all to ourselves. This may be difficult for some to understand but some of us actually look forward to this break and enjoy it as much as people spending holidays with their families do.

enjoy it as much as people spending holidays with their families do - JadeMoghul 

For those who possible are by themselves can take delight in crisp and refreshing walks around the neighbourhood and the happening places and witness the rainbow of lights and festivities, all the while sipping limited edition warm cinnamon and candy cane flavored coffee.


sipping limited edition warm cinnamon and candy cane flavored coffee 

Catching up on their reading. It is perhaps a good time to read favourite classics and rekindle the special memories associated with those stories. Going through the Christmas traditions such as setting up and decorating the Christmas tree is a good idea as it adds a holiday cheer to your living space.


Christmas tree is a good idea as it adds a holiday cheer to your living space 

Cooking or baking a recipe that you had always wanted to try will end up in a relaxing evening in pajamas and a best loved movie with a charming dinner date with yourself.

a best loved movie with a charming dinner date with yourself - JadeMoghul 

Don’t forget to pamper yourself with a massage or a spa treatment and do treat yourself to a gift. That cashmere that you had been thinking of or the shoes that you had been looking at every time you passed that store. Indulge in activities that make you feel special and good about yourself. Prepare a few extras of the meal that you cooked to hand out to a homeless. Order an extra latte to be given as gift to next person in line. A smile, a thank you and a little conversation can be the start of a new friendship.

a thank you and a little conversation can be the start of a new friendship

You can plan things ahead of the holidays or just take it as the day comes and involve yourself with what suits your mood best at the time.

But most of all celebrating this time of the year with loved ones or by yourself, keep the spirit of love and giving alive as that is what brings us true happiness and joy.

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